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You can even share your location with others so they can track your Begin by opening the Find My Friends app on their iPhone, then tap on.

The tool will disable your Windows Update settings, SkyDrive, and several other useful features. In short, it shuts down all the features that Windows 10 automates. If sending Microsoft your telemetry data makes you feel squeamish, running a program from an unverified source probably does the same. So then what? Thankfully, there is documentation for turning off telemetry manually.

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Microsoft has published a TechNet article detailing how to disable certain features for Enterprise users. For users of Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home, Reddit user lit3brit3 has compiled a list of common settings that controls the amount of telemetry collected and sent.

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Instead of running a script you can change each of these settings manually. Microsoft assures users that they collect telemetry data only to help them improve user experience and fix bugs and problems. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments if you support or are against the gathering of Windows 10 telemetry. More Posts - Google Plus. I am against telemetry for myself and other privacy conscious power users and this is a major reason I have banned Windows 10 at our company.

But I understand why Microsoft is doing this. Not only will it give them useful data to more responsively fix flaws and security problems, but most important the average PC user is a careless, incompetent moron. We saw Microsoft begin tackling the extreme danger ordinary PC users constitute to themselves and others with Windows Vista, and Windows 10 is merely the latest log example of that trend. If Microsoft is only collecting data for the purpose of improving user experience and resolve issues related to hardware and software, then I am the President of the United States.

First off, if a user is securing their browser from the online threats and harassment via advertisements and other online entities trying to extract this very same information, then Microsoft should not be permitted to use their leverage as the OS developer to get around end user road-blocks.

They are using their leverage as the OS developer as a vehicle to get around all that security we put in place in hopes they can become one of the most powerful information broker in the world. Maybe their intentions are good and pure. Maybe the data is encrypted with the latest techniques. This sounds an awful lot like an illegal wiretap dressed up inside a gift basket.

I am an American Citizen. I have a 4th Amendment. In the long run, it is much easier to keep our freedoms than to TRY to get them back after they have been carelessly lost. I wonder how much intellectual property was unknowingly disclosed to third parties by early adopters.

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An apple brainwashed slave detected here. If telemetry could run in the background without keeping me from doing my usual work, I have no problem with it. I would be much more comfortable if we had: a. Tools to decipher it if necessary c. The ability at the server side to turn it off, or set its detail including Security for Home users d. PK Cryptographic security used to enable me to determine who can read the data. I am a software developer and not a security expert, but I would like to be able to determine who can read the data. I am not sure if this is possible in this scenario.

Microsoft have caused a lot of mistrust due to a lack of transparency and control by admins and users. Microsoft Windows Telemetry is just a part of their spyware system. If Microsoft wanted to improve user experience they would go back to Windows 3.

TechRadar pro

Windows 10 user experience is worst than ever: bloated and inconsistent. It looks like designed by imbeciles. How bad the system has to be written if it needs constant updates and can not run without a antivirus. Looks like it they are making holes in the system for a reason. So what?

Method 2 – Rescue Disks

Every other product you have on your computer is potentially sending data to somebody. For some reason, most people have a hard time understanding that those people were right. Privacy is dead. Learn to live in the fishbowl. This is still occurring and wreaking havoc on poor spinner hard drives. The random deliberate performance issues caused by Microsoft proceses inherent in Windows 10 specifically are not doing Microsoft any favors. Okay, I get the telemetry thing. I get the diagnostics thing.

1. Prerequisite

Does the telemetry service report on itself and let Microsoft know what it is using up all the resources, preventing the computer from going online, and causing every single freaking program to hang or crash while it does its thing for half an hour? Should I be randomly typing and recording vocal complaints about Windows issues? Every time I turn on my laptop some stupid Microsoft service or other takes it over for 10 or 15 or 30 minutes so I can do nothing. There are enough of these stupid services that while each one only aggravates me 1 every few months, I am still inconvenienced every time I use the laptop.

Cortina is the main drain on the battery even thought I have it as disabled as I can get it. Nice of Microsoft to let me use my laptop for my own ends now and then. Is anyone going to actually discuss how the proposed fixes work or are we all just going to jerk each other off on how evil Microsoft and the NSA are? For fucks sake people…. If Microsoft just listened to the complaints of users on so many different forums and acted on them there would be no use for this telemetry codology.

The guy in the picture from the top of the page hold in his hands a wooden crafted wind instrument more like a horn. That has no optical properties whatsoever. It was clear, concise, comprehensive, and most importantly gave us full disclosure and link resources allowing us to decide. May the Greatest Blessing be yours. If Microsoft has access to it, who else has hacked and also using the same software to spy on you and every keystroke, LINUX has issues the problem is put out into the community and the community solves the issues.

No body wants their privacy, personal information and browsing trends to be watched on and get collected! And you are talking about 4rth amendment!?

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Wow, I never knew that before…creepy. Now I know why this occurs so frequently. Linus is looking better and better. Thanks for the tip until I get it installed. Since Windows security is mostly an illusion hidden behind a paywall like everything else, its probably better to just go ahead and use an unverified completely and unsafe app to disable its innards.

Heck most the world runs on pirated Windows what another app stopping folks from plucking some Windows junk?

I had no idea they were collecting all my keyboard strokes and microphone usage. To improve my user experience? The way this works is that you will have to use another computer to download an ISO image file from an anti-virus company like Microsoft or Kaspersky and then burn it onto a disc. You will then boot to this disc instead of your normal Windows install and run the anti-virus software from there. There are a couple of rescue disks that I recommend using.

The first one is from Microsoft and is called Windows Defender Offline.

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Check out my previous article on using Windows Defender Offline to scan your computer. Again, just like with the scanning software, you should try multiple rescue disks to ensure that the virus or malware has been removed. The other ones I suggest using are:. As mentioned, this is a bit more technical, but all the sites have guides on how to create the disks and then use them.

A clean install is not the most fun thing to do, however, it is the one guaranteed way to get rid of viruses, spyware, and malware. Therefore, no more viruses. A good thing to do is to scan all your personal data and if there are no viruses found, copy that to an external drive. Check out my previous post on how to restore Windows to factory settings reinstall Windows.

Finally, once your computer is clean and running well again, check out my post on how to protect yourself from viruses and malware in the future. The safest way to keep your computer free of viruses, however, is to create a virtual machine and do everything shady inside of that. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Founder of Online Tech Tips and managing editor. He began blogging in and quit his job in to blog full-time.

He has over 15 years of industry experience in IT and holds several technical certifications.